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1.03.2021 7 p.m.
Warsaw Philharmonic
ul. Sienkiewicza 10, 00-950 Warszawa
Szymon Nehring - fortepian
Marcin Zdunik - wiolonczela
Ryszard Groblewski - altówka
Fryderyk Chopin:
Introdukcja i Polonez C-dur na fortepian i wiolonczelę op. 3
Sonata g-moll na fortepian i wiolonczelę op. 65
Trio g-moll op. 8
As holder of a ticket to concert, you are required to fill in the health statement form (concerning your health/Covid-19 and including your contact data).
The date on your statement must be the same as the date of the concert you are participating in. Please, submit the filled-in form to the staff at venue before every concert.
On the premises of the venues of the concerts, you are required to keep your mouths and noses covered, and to keep safe distances.
Rules and regulations for using concert halls are integral part of ticket sales rules and regulations and can be found at:
Filharmonia Narodowa:
For the duration of the concert in the Concert Hall of the National Philharmonic, the audience on the ground floor was reduced by the first 5 rows.