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20.08.2021, 8 p.m.
Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera
plac Teatralny 1, 00-950 Warszawa
Program: Gaetano Dionizetti
As holder of a ticket to festival concerts, you are required to fill in the health statement form (concerning your health/Covid-19 and including your contact data). You receive the health statement form at purchase of the ticket, whether by e-mail or from the box offices of the Chopin Museum in Warsaw. The date on your statement must be the same as the date of the concert you are participating in. Please, submit the filled-in form to the staff at venue before every concert.
On the premises of the venues of the concerts, you are required to keep your mouths and noses covered, and to keep safe distances.
Rules and regulations for using concert halls are integral part of ticket sales rules and regulations and can be found at:
Filharmonia Narodowa:
Zamek Królewski: