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30.08.2023, 5 p.m.
Warsaw Philharmonic
ul. Sienkiewicza 10, 00-950 Warszawa
Aleksandra Hortensja Dąbek period piano
Jakub Jakowicz violin
Marcin Zdunik cello
Mateusz Kowalski guitar
Mirecki, Chopin
I zone: 50 PLN/25 PLN
II zone: 20 PLN/10 PLN
5% off when you buy tickets for 5 to 9 different concerts
10% off when you buy tickets for 10 and more different concerts
Persons on wheelchairs are welcome to participate in the concert after being issued a paid pass. To obtain one please contact bilety.festiwal@nifc.pl.
30.08.2023, 8 p.m.
Warsaw Philharmonic
ul. Sienkiewicza 10, 00-950 Warszawa
Olga Pasiecznik soprano
Natalia Pasiecznik piano
Кyrylo Stetsenko, Yakiv Stepovy, Mykola Lysenko, Mykoła Kolessa, Viktor Kosenko, Borys Lyatoshynskyj, Vasyl Barvinskyi, Valentyn Silvestrov
I zone: 140 PLN/70 PLN
II zone: 70 PLN/35 PLN
III zone: 40 PLN/20 PLN
5% off when you buy tickets for 5 to 9 different concerts
10% off when you buy tickets for 10 and more different concerts
Persons on wheelchairs are welcome to participate in the concert after being issued a paid pass. To obtain one please contact bilety.festiwal@nifc.pl.